August 23, 2016
The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.
President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. We had one visitor, who Jeff welcomed.
Old Business
The minutes of the July 26, 2016, meeting were previously published on the club’s web site. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes and as there was no discussion or corrections, the minutes were approved as published.
The August print talk was a small gathering but those who attended enjoyed seeing prints and discussing.
The outing to Grand Mesa was also small. Dawn and Ona stayed until nightfall and got lucky enough to capture some lightning from an incoming storm off Lands End.
Elections are scheduled for November. Members should start thinking about serving as either a board member or chairperson. Jeff brought the board and chair job descriptions tonight, but they are also contained on the club web site. If you are interested or have questions about a position, e-mail a current board member.
Treasurer Debbie Rudd presented the August Treasurer’s report. The ending balance from July was $891.61. There were no deposits. A rent check for $50.00 was written, making the ending balance $841.61. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
New Business
Jeff made a last call for scavenger hunt photos. Sheila was present to collect them, and will get them ready for presentation and voting at our September meeting. Be sure to be there to see what creative ideas everyone came up with!
Jeff next appointed Ona Griffiths as the scavenger hunt chairperson for next year. Hopefully Ona will have the categories lined up for next month’s meeting so we can have a full year to fill the list.
The banquet chairs, Melanie Morris and Cheryl Sweers, have been busy checking out locations for our banquet. Unfortunately, due to our budget, we won’t be able to use any of nicer venues they checked into (such as the Avalon, Redlands Community Center or Residence Inn). We will plan on doing the banquet at the regular meeting room at WCCC, potluck style. If anyone has “connections” that could get us use of a nicer venue for cheap (or even better, free), please let the board know.
Dawn Morrow discussed possible “mystery/history” tours. There is one at Glenwood Springs which would cost $12/per person if there is a group of 20. If there are fewer than 20, the cost would be $15/per person. There is another cemetery “ghost walk” in Glenwood which would cost $18/per person (tickets go on sale October 1). It is a strenuous 20 minute hike and participants carry lanterns to light the way.
Mike Brown is having Photoshop classes on September 7 and 21. The venue has changed to Frame Depot (529 Bogart Lane – to the west of Sam’s Club). Please use the north entrance. Class starts at 7:00 p.m. You will need a laptop loaded with Photoshop (not Photoshop Elements). There is instruction and hands on work. Thanks to member James Payne for getting permission to use the space at Frame Depot!
Jeff announced that the recurring e-mail issues might be caused because the web site program had not been updated. They are working on these issues and hope to have resolved soon.
Exhibit chair Dawn Morrow announced that Hummel Real Estate will be hosting First Friday events the remainder of the year. Several members will again be displaying in September. Hang up will be on Thursday before the event, and tear down is immediately after on Friday. The November display may be a display for the entire club. If anyone is interested in other months, contact Dawn. The United Way will also host club images September through November, with drop off scheduled for September 7 and pick up scheduled for December 7. There is space for around 12-15 photos. All must have a wire hanger. There is no commission. A diverse group goes through there every month so it is a nice opportunity to hang there. Contact Dawn if you are interested in participating.
Jeff would like to do a fall color outing on Grand Mesa, probably the week immediately after Color Sunday weekend.
Jesie Bair next gave a presentation on shooting fall colors. She had a slideshow with some fall images, and went through a number of “Pro Tips for Photographing Fall.” She will post a link to the article on the web site.
Sharon Bradshaw presented images for the PSA competition. There were 13 images submitted for consideration (six need to be selected). Images were voted on by all members and those that will be sent on to PSA are as follows:
- Bee – Lu Kunzelman
- Moose with Twins – Sharon Bradshaw
- Western Tiger Swallowtail – Robert Pratt
- Fall Canopy – Dawn Morrow
- Land of True Grit – Paul Huntington
- American Basin Wildflowers – Jeff Stoddart
Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 27, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College. Robert Pratt will provide the snacks, and Ona Griffiths will provide the drinks.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, Jeff adjourned the meeting.
Dated: September 6, 2016
Angela K. Classen
Thunder Mountain Camera Club