Author Archives: Debbie and Tom Tubridy

TMCC Meeting Minutes – January 28, 2020

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Morrow at 7:00pm.

Amy Hudechek gave the Treasurer’s Report: Balance $410.76
2020 TMCC applications were distributed to those who needed them and dues were collected.
Reminder that Dues are $35 for Individual Membership and $50 for Family Membership.

Sharon Bradshaw, Contest Chairman, announced the new email to submit images:

She announced the upcoming deadlines:
3/1/20 PSA, Open Theme
4/1/20 TMCC Themed Competition – Long Exposure (defined as 1/15 secs or slower)
5/1/20 TMCC Themed Competition – Open Theme
7/1/20 TMCC Themed Competition – People to Show Context (defined as a shot with a person/people that are not the main subject of the image)
9/1/20 TMCC Themed Competition – Open Theme
10/1/20 TMCC Themed Competition – Open Theme

TMCC Competitions can be taken at any time, though members were encouraged to step out of their comfort zones.

She announced that 6 people who submitted PSA images still need to sign the PSA Consent.
Mary Holmes
Marina Schultz
Bob Pratt
Rich Briggs
Bob Clarke
John Truzinsky

Please be sure when you submit an image for PSA to name your photo.

Sharon shared the 18 images that were submitted to the PSA #2. Judging has not yet been

She announced that PSA #1 yielded no Awards nor Honorable Mentions for TMCC, noting that the awards/HRs were heavy with people images.

Derrick Snider, Vice President, discussed where the members wanted to have outings for 2020.
Ideas were: milky way
long exposures
fall colors
Rifle Falls
Great Sand Dunes

Member Spotlight: Derrick Snider presented some of his work and images surrounding landscapes, events, family, and long exposures.

Dawn discussed if members were interested in Mentoring and inquired as to who would be willing to serve as a mentor. Mentors identified were Dawn, Paul, and Derrick. Dieter requested to be mentored.

Dawn inquired for a member to volunteer as Publicity Chair – for TV/Newsletter & Radio Community Calendars. Dieter volunteered and will get with Bob Peterson.

Dawn also inquired if someone wanted to be the TMCC Banquet Chair this year. Members are encouraged to think about it.

Dawn lead the Small Group Critiques (4). Members seem to like this exercise, so she asked for 3-4 members to submit an image for critique in February.

Debbie Tubridy passed around the 2020 Drink & Snack List for the TMCC meetings. Please assist by signing up for a month’s food or drink. As of the end of the meeting, the following slots were still open:
July 28th Drinks
Sept 22nd Snacks Drinks
Oct 27th Snacks
Nov 24th Snacks Drinks

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm

TMCC November 26, 2019 Meeting Minutes

– Bob Clark wasn’t to know if anyone is experienced in using a macro lens with extension tubes. If so please contact him.
– If you would like to send a picture in for critique in Jan please email them to We only have 1 photo so far.

Upcoming Events
Holiday Lights – Dec 16th at 6pm meet at 2845 N 15th st
Annual Banquet – Jan 10th at 6pm in WCCC room
Jan Meeting – Jan 28th 7pm at WCCC
Feb Meeting – Feb 25th at 7pm @ WCCC room Christopher Eaton will be speaking.

Spot light by Scott Hudechek

President – Dawn Morrow
Vice President – Derrick Snider
Treasurer – Amy Hudechek
Secretary – Debbie Tubridy
Board Member At Large – Randy pending his ok
Publicity Chair – Bob Peterson, Paul Gana, and Dawn Morrow
Web Master – Bob Peterson
Social Media Chairperson – Paul Gana and Dawn Morrow
Competition Chair – Sharon Bradshaw and Ed Kunzelman
Exhibit Chair – Troy Krebs
Scavenger Hunt – John Truzinski
Picnic Chair – Renee Walendowski
Banquet Chair – TBD

If you are interested in a open spot or in assisting someone in current position please let Dawn know. We will revisit this in January.

1962 Corvair by Ed Kunzelman, 23pts Selected for PSA
Battle Tested by Sharon Bradshaw, 23.5 pts Selected for PSA
Face of homeless by Vera Mulder, 21pts
Green-Tailed Towhee by Debbie Tubridy, 22.5pts Selected for PSA
I Want to Be Like Mom by Amy Hudechek, 26pts Selected for PSA
Nuts by Dale Rostad, 18.5pts
Rifle Falls by Mike Melneck, 21.5pts Selected for PSA
Sand Wash Band by Dawn Morrow 17.5pts
Special Space by Bob Peterson, 15pts
Sub-adult Brown Bears by Tom Tubridy, 25.5pts Selected for PSA

Dont forget next PSA photos are due 1/1/20. Remember there is new sizing rules see website for details.

Meeting minutes submitted by Amy Hudechek  (Thanks!)

TMCC Meeting Minutes – October 22, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Dawn Morrow.

Upcoming Outings:

October 26, 2019 3pm Grand Junction Municipal Cemetery Tour with Historian Dave Fishell.

November 2, 2019 10am Connected Lakes Park Fall Color Walk

December 16, 2019 6pm Meeting at 2845 N. 15th Street Christmas Light outing

2020 Scavenger Hunt: John T, Chairman Will be due in August 2020
City Night Lights
Extreme Motion or Speed
Winter in Mesa County
Musical / Melody
Open Category (you choose)

PSA Round 2:
Due by 1/1/20
Remember new sizing

Member Spotlights:

Dieter Heinrich – Highlighted his many varied interests in photography and brought sample images for members to check out during break.

Mark Prouty – Highlighted his photographic interests as well.

Scott Hudechek – Due to time restraints, opted to defer until November meeting.

Costa Rica Presentation by Paul G.
Shared photography stills and video taken while in Costa Rica on vacation.

Independence Rock Monument presentation
Dawn presented a slideshow of TMCC member images highlighting the many different views and seasons of Independence Rock on CNM.

After a short break, Dawn had the members split up into 3 groups for random image critiques.
Each group independently discussed 4 different images that we offered for review, spending 5 or so minutes on each image. Then a spokesperson from each group presented their critiques to the entire group as one. The idea was to get all members involved in what image critiques are all about and also offer constructive input. After this exercise, it was determined to be very well received and we will do this again.

Meanwhile, Dawn presented an assignment:
Download 1 or more images from the link, edit the image(s) in your style and email to: for discussion at November’s meeting.

Also, please take the time to review Chairperson and Board Member positions and decide which position you’d be interested in doing. 🙂

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

TMCC Meeting Minutes – September 24, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Morrow, TMCC President at 7:00 pm.

Treasurer Report by Amy Hudechek – $830.91 as of 9/23/19.

TMCC Banquet Announcement: Jan. 10, 2020 @ 6-8 pm. More details to follow.

Member Spotlight: Renee Walendowski
She presented some of her favorite images of landscapes, street photography, and even video (hers and her son’s).

PSA Update: Sharon Bradshaw
Sharon updated us as to the new guidelines and timelines for the PSA Interclub Competition that TMCC participates in (Division B). This PSA year, they will have only 3 (instead of 4) competitions, with the following deadlines: #1 due 10/1/19; #2 due 1/1/20; and #3 due 3/1/20.
New dimensions are as follows:
Horizontal image: 1400 pixels wide by 1050 pixels tall
Vertical image: 1050 pixels tall
They should continue to be in .jpg format, sRGB color space.
Please be sure to include your name and title in your submission email.
They need to be emailed to:
Sharon also stated that PSA has been trying to get TMCC to assist in the PSA interclub judging (a different division obviously). To do that, she needs 3 volunteers to help in that process. Anyone interested should email Sharon @

TMCC Scavenger Hunt: Renee Walendowski
The images for each category were presented and members were able to vote for their favorite.
Macro – Sharon B
Photojournalism – Renee W
Babies – Amy H
Water Fun – Dawn M
Magazine Cover – Bob P
Advertisement – Vera M
Dinner – Amy H
Americano – Dawn M
Hero – Dawn M
Catalyst – Renee W
Congrats to all of the winners!
John T volunteered to head up the TMCC Scavenger Hunt for next year. More to come.

Sand Wash Basin Presentation: Dawn Morrow
Dawn highlighted some images from her recent trip to Sand Wash Basin. New member Troy Krebs also contributed with some discussion regarding some rocks from the trip.

Remember that Oct. 20th is the deadline for the Independence Monument image sharing. Send them to Dawn Morrow for inclusion in a slide show at the next meeting.

Next TMCC Board Meeting: Oct. 14th at 6:00pm at Village Inn (Horizon Dr, GJ).

Next TMCC Meeting: October 22nd, 2019.

TMCC Meeting Minutes – June 25, 2019

Meeting was called to order by Dawn Morrow.
There was no Treasury Report (Amy absent).

July Outing: Either 7/17 or 7/19 at the Mesa County Fair doing Night Photography.
Meet at 6pm near the front gate. if there will be fireworks, it will be
on that night, otherwise it will be on the Friday night, since there
should be more people, rides going, and lights.

August Outing: Wildflowers at sunset and night sky photography on Land’s End.
More info to come.

Fruita Civic Center Exhibit: Be sure to get your images to the appropriate person
at the appropriate time. Exhibit to run July 1 thru July

St. Mary’s Pavillion Exhibit: Be sure to get in touch with either Dawn or Vera M. if
you still want to sign up. It will run August 1 thru
August 31st.

Upcoming Speakers:
July 2019 Matt Jansen
August 2019 Dean Humprey

Tonight’s speaker was Gretel Daughtery who spoke on Sports Photography, highlighting her experience and images from shooting sports photography for the local newspaper. She gave an excellent talk and a wonderful and comprehensive Tip Sheet on how to be more successful. Thank you Gretel!

Ed Kunzelman led a discussion along with the review of the Club Competition Black & White Images. Since Jeff was absent, the images were simply presented and discussed. Jeff will post the results on the internet … so everyone WATCH for it!

Next Meeting: July 23, 2019 at 7pm (as usual)

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.

TMCC Meeting Minutes – May 28th, 2019

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Morrow at 7pm.

Reminder about the TMCC Picnic on 6/2/19 from 6-8pm at Renee’s home (509 Rado, Unit C; right after the public golf course). Signup sheet was passed around for those attending.

Take Part In Art will be held at the Lincoln Park Barn from 9-12 on 6/22/19. If anyone would like to join in helping at the booth or just stopping by, please do so. Vera Mulder has volunteered to assist.

Next Board Meeting will be held on 6/10 from 6-8pm at the Village Inn (Horizon Dr). All are welcome to attend.

Next TMCC Outing will be on 6/15 at 10am in Downtown Palisade – meeting at Town Square. The topic will be street photography.

Vera Mulder has successfully made opportunities happen for TMCC Members to showcase their work.  The first will be at the Fruita Community Center starting July 1st thru July 31st.  The second will be at the St. Mary’s Pavillion from August 1st thru August 31st.  In both cases the artwork needs to be there before 12 noon on the 1st day of exhibition.  Both have just 18 slots for showcase, so a sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested.  All work needs to have wire hangers and frame.  Thank you Vera!

Reminder: June 1 will be the deadline for the Monochrome Photo Competition.

Treasurer Report: $1,075.00 (no new deposits or expenditures).

Bob Clark gave a presentation on Wildflowers area the Badger Wash area and the desert N of the Interstate. He offered excellent web resources on wildflowers as well.

Dawn Morrow shared a compilation of member images from the club’s outing at Lyle Nichols, as well as a compilation of member images from the Botanical Gardens outing. These outings have been well received by all.

Rich Briggs gave an excellent presentation on Travel Photography featuring many of his landscapes from his numerous travel opportunities, both local and international. He also shared his book on Utah Landscapes with us. Congratulations!

Dale Rostad was the featured Member Spotlight and shared many of his wonderful images with us.

PSA Ribbons were passed out for PSA Round 3 to Amy Hudechek (Honorable Mention) and Debbie Tubridy (Honorable Mention) and special congrats to Bob Clark for his Round 4 PSA Award.

PSA Round 4 (May 2019) Top 6 Results:
Tom Tubridy 25.5
Randy Smith 25.5
Dawn Morrow 25.0
Amy Hudechek 25.0
John Barbier 24.5
Bob Clark 24.0

We had one Visitor to the May meeting: Isaac Garfinkle of Whitewater.

Next TMCC Meeting: June 25th, 2019

TMCC April 23, 2019 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order shortly after 7pm by Dawn Morrow, President.  Amy Hudechek gave the Treasurer report, which was deposits of $205.00 and checks written against for $332.82 (website, rent, and taxes), leaving a balance of $1,075.91.

Tonight’s meeting was open to the public and we had 2 new visitors (Rod Martinez & Issac Garfinkle).  Welcome to both of them.

An announcement was made by Ro Martinez on behalf of the Ouray County Arts Association regarding the 59th Artists’ Alpine Holiday Fine Art Show & Sale, August 1-10, 2019.

A presentation was made by our Guest Speaker, Brian Merry, a professional photographer from the Banff area of Alberta, Canada.  His presentation highlighted good insight on landscapes, wildlife, travel, and adventure photography.

Angela Classen was the featured TMCC photographer for the Member Spotlight.  She presented a slideshow of some of her favorite images featuring landscape & blooms. waterfalls & moving water, architecture, and “outside the box” images.  Be sure to sign up for the Member Spotlight if you haven’t done so yet.

Dawn gave a quick slideshow of images submitted from the Snooks Bottom field trip earlier in Fruita.  The topic for the outing was “Beauty in the Mundane”.


Dawn requested that anyone who attended the outing at Lyle Nichols’ in April, to submit their Top 3 images for presentation at the next meeting.

Renee Walendowski, Picnic Chair, announced that the picnic would be from 6-8 pm on 6/2/19.  Address is 509 Rado #C.  A sign up sheet will be circulating for pot luck items, so please be sure to sign up and RSVP.

Next TMCC Board Meeting will be from 6-8pm at the Village Inn (Horizon) on May 6th, 2019.

Next TMCC outing will be help on May 18th at the Botanical Gardens starting at 10am, with a club social immediately following at the Edgewater Restaurant (Kannah Creek Brewery), which is right next to it.

Next TMCC meeting will be held from 7-9pm on May 28th, 2019.

Meeting was adjourned at 9pm.

TMCC Mar. 26, 2019 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was started shortly after 7PM by Dawn Morrow, President.  In Amy’s absence, it was announced that the TMCC balance is $1,201.73.

Please remember to submit your dues, membership forms, and Liability Release forms to Amy Hudechek as soon as possible.  Remember:  No non-paying member may compete in Club or PSA Competitions.

Sharon Bradshaw, PSA Competition Chair, went over the results of the March 2019 / PSA #3 Competition.  There were 20 submitted images.  The images that were passed on to PSA on behalf of TMCC were:

Amy Hudechek                            Guardian of the Forest

Debbie Tubridy                            Frosty the Snow Bear

John Barbier                                Bikes Amsterdam

Paul Gana                                    Too Cold to Boat

Robert Pratt                                 Nectarivore

Tom Tubridy                                 Freedom Rocks

Dawn announced that the PSA Website was corrected and now shows ALL images that either won an Award or an Honorable Mention from the PSA #2 Club PID.  Congrats again to Marina Schultz (Award) & Amy Hudechek (Honorable Mention).

Rich Briggs and Vera Mulder gave their Member Spotlight presentations.  Reminder to sign up for future installments of Member Spotlights.

Jeff Morse, TMCC Competition Chair, presented the People TMCC Club Competition entries.  He first shared them with the attendees who then gave each image a score of 1-10.  He then presented the results from the judges.  There were 15 entries.  

1st Place  Randy Smith

2nd PlaceMarina Schultz

3rd PlaceRenee Walendowski

Congrats to everyone.

Remember that all recent (within 3 months) images will receive an extra bonus point, with the goal of getting out and shooting.

New TMCC Competition:  “Find Your Independence” – take a photo of Independence Rock (Colorado National Monument) between now through Oct. 1st.  Image will be due on 10/1/19.

The last PSA (entry for the PSA Calendar Year) is due 4/1/19 by midnight.  Please be sure to submit.

Next TMCC outing will be on April 13th at Lyle Nichols’ residence at 511 35-1/2 Rd in Palisade, CO.  Be there at 9:30  AM.

Note:  No public posting prior to May 1st!  It’s OK to post on the Member’s Only TMCC Facebook page.

Next Meeting:  April 23rd, 2019      It will be open to the public, so feel free to invite others.

Speaker:  Brian Merry (photographer from Banff area)

Next TMCC Competition:  Monochrome . B&W / muted colors (prefer 2 colors using monochrome to highlight the subject.  Due May 1st!

May TMCC Outing: Street Photography & Social   Date & Time:TBA

Just a reminder:  all TMCC & PSA competition images should be submitted to:

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.

TMCC February 26, 2019 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was started shortly after 7pm by Dawn Morrow, President.  Amy Hudechek announced that the TMCC balance is $816.73.

Anyone who hasn’t done so yet, please get in touch with Amy to pay your dues.  Only current (dues in good standing) members will be allowed to enter photo competitions.

Jeff Morse, Competitions Chair, announced that there 4 PSA competitions per year.  Jeff presented all of the PSA submissions (from 2/1/19) and a nice discussion ensued by the members.  These images are still being judged.  It was also announced that the previous competition awarded Marina Schultz an Award for her “The Bride” image;  Amy Hudechek’s “Black Bear” was given an Honorable Mention.  Congratulations to them both.

The first TMCC club competition, which is themed “People” is due 3/1/19.  Remember that it’s preferred that the images be recent (within the last 4 months).  If not, no worries, but they will be not be eligible for the bonus point that the current ones will receive.  Jeff also announced that he’s willing to help with Photoshop if anyone wants help, reminding us that order in editing does make a difference.

Board members were asked to present images that give the members a bit of an introduction as to them, but also what they like to photograph.  Starting next meeting, up to 3 members will get a chance to do the same.  Remember to sign up for this great opportunity to share.

Randy Smith, Paul Gana, Amy Hudechek, Debbie Tubridy,  Jeff Morse, Bob Peterson, and Dawn Morrow shared their images with the club.

Visitors were introduced:  Shanti Maxwell, Lynda Carpenter, Mark Prouty, and Jerry Bristol.

Anyone interested in participating in the club display at the Mesa County Library should sign up, so that Dawn knows who’s interested and she’ll send the information to them directly.  March 7th is the date for the drop-off.  It will hang from 3/15/19 through 5/9/19.  All work needs to have a wire hanger.  Sizes are from 8X10 and up.

There will be an open Board Meeting on 3/11/19 @ 6pm at the Village Inn (off Horizon in GJ).  Everyone is invited.

March Outing:  3/16/19 @ 9:00 am … meet at Snooks Bottom in Fruita.  Theme will be Beauty and the Mundane.

April Outing:  4/13/19.  Details are being finalized as we speak.  Hear more about it at the March Meeting.

Next TMCC Member Meeting will be March 26th @ 7pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 9pm.




TMCC January 22, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Dawn Morrow, president, shortly after 7:00 PM.

There were two visitors to the meeting.  Rich Briggs and Mark Prouty both introduced and shared a little bit about themselves.

Dawn introduced the 2019 board members:  Dawn Morrow (President); Vera Mulder (Interim Vice-President); Debbie Tubridy (Secretary) and Amy Hudechek (Treasurer).  She also introduced Jeff Morse (Competition Chair); Sharon Bradshaw (PSA Competition Lead); and Bob Peterson (Website & Publicity Chair).  She also thanked the outgoing members of the board and committee chairs.

Sharon was asked to explain how the PSA Competitions work.  She reported that PSA (Photographic Society of America) is a worldwide organization … members are either individual photographers or Photograhy Clubs who have decided to join and compete, which TMCC does.  She reported that TMCC moved up to Group B (from C) with this new PSA year (which runs mid-year).  TMCC competes against other camera clubs in the PID-Open (Projected Image Display).  There are 4 competitions each year.  We have deadlines established in advance and our members submit their entries to the club competition e-mail address (  Sharon stressed the need to format your file with your name and image title.  She then compiles the entries and arranges for judges to select the Top 6 images to go on to PSA for competition.  Judges are generally a photographer, an artist, and a club member (who isn’t competing in the contest).  Each member may submit only 1 image and each of the 6 chosen must be from a different individual.  The images submitted and those selected for submission to PSA are presented during club meetings.  Scores are also shared for the initial advancement of images with 1-9 for each component of judging (technical, impact, composition), with a max score of 27.   Once the images go to PSA, there are 3 different judges in which other clubs serve as judges.  Each club group (A, B, C, D, & E) has their own judging and awards (Awards of Merit, as well as Honorable Mentions).  There are 26 clubs per group.  Rules for image submission include it must be a .jpg file at 1024X768 pixels.  (See Competition Guidelines).  Since we’re competing in an “Open” category, there are no restrictions regarding subject matter and images can be creative.  All TMCC members are free to access the winning images at the PSA website.  Sharon encouraged everyone to submit their best work.  It was brought up that because the judging critiques should be a learning tool, if anyone wants their feedback, just include that request in your submission email.  Start working on your next submission for PSA which is due February 1st, 2019!

Jeff Morse discussed the TMCC Club Competitions for 2019.  There will be 4 contests this year (3 + Scavenger Hunt).  For the 3, the contests will be critiqued by a professional photographer, an artist, and a lay person.  Since the idea of club competitions and associated outings is to get members to get out shooting, all photo submissions should be new images with the date provided.  A penalty (1 pt) will apply to all images more than 60 days old.  Format and submission of the image will be the same as PSA.  Please remember to include your name in either the photo file or email.  Members who have specific questions are encouraged to email Jeff at or text him at 970-549-6100.

The first outing for the TMCC will be on Feb. 16th at Palisade Park sharply at 10:00 AM.  We will be shooting people-centric images.  The first TMCC competition will follow on the theme of People… whether that be portrait or street photography.  It will be due March 1st!

Other important dates include:

Feb. 19th – Board Meeting at Dawn’s house at 6:00 PM.  Everyone is invited

Feb. 22nd – Homework:  Look at your photography progression from years back and compare a           similar subject matter now.  Hopefully, we will see the progress made and skill sets  improvement.  Submit these 2 images to Dawn ( and include what you have learned as well.

Dawn shared the holiday images that were sent in by our members.

During the meeting break, Debbie passed around the TMCC Refreshments Sign-Up Sheet for 2019 for those who might wish to help by volunteering.  Also Amy was available to collect membership renewals and new member applications and Liability Release Forms.

Sharon then reviewed the PSA images that were last submitted to TMCC (PSA #2).  The images had been judged locally and results shared.  The 6 images selected for PSA submission include:  Amy Hudechek – “Black Bear”; Sharon Brandshaw – “Deer Crossing Colorado River”; Paul Gana – “Mount Peaking Clouds”; Marina Schultz -“The Bride”; Tom Tubridy – “The Coyote Trance”; and Debbie Tubridy – “The Great Horned Owl & The Hummingbird”.

Dawn gave a wonderful presentation on the Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses.  She shared lots of great tips and information for others planning to go, as well as some amazing images.  She was assisted by Debbie Rudd who knows the area wild horses quite well also.  Dawn announced that she will be returning to Sand Wash Basin Sept. 19 through 23rd, if anyone is interested, please get in touch with her.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Next TMCC Club Meeting:  Feb. 26th, 2019 @ 7:00 PM

(Submitted by Debbie Tubridy)