Category Archives: Photo Exhibits

City Hall Exhibit!

Great news, We’ve been asked to display at City Hall as a club.
“Hello artists!
We are looking forward to your exhibit at City Hall on October 8 – January 7, 2019. On Monday, October 8th, please be at City Hall at 8:30am with your artwork. . I will make labels for your artwork. If something isn’t for sale write NFS but still put the value.”
The following items will need to get to Dawn by the night of the club meeting, if not sooner…
Title, Medium, Price or estimated value, dimensions and weight. your name, and if it is for sale or NFS (not-for-sale)
The above items must be to Dawn by the night of the club meeting September 25th.
Items must have a wire hanger to display and saw-tooth hangers will not be accepted.
Items must be delivered to City Hall on October 8th at 8:30, or make arrangements with Dawn Morrow in advance
The same items can be transferred to hang at the County building for a few months following as well. Please include if you’d be interested in displaying there as well.