June 28, 2016
The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.
President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. Visitors were welcomed.
Old Business
A “print talk” was held on June 7. Although it had small attendance, the discussion was good according to Ed Kunzelman. He is planning to do another one on August 11 at our regular meeting room, 7:00 p.m. He emphasized you can bring a couple of prints (any size), but you don’t have to. You can still take part in the discussion without a print. Birthday gifts for Ed are optional.
A recap of the annual picnic was given. The venue was nice, just the right size and the picnic was fun, but bugs were pesky. The club provided chicken and everyone brought side dishes and desserts (if anyone left hungry, it was their own fault!) Several members took advantage of the beautiful surroundings and shot a few photos while there.
Dawn Morrow gave a report about the “Take Part in Art Expo” that was held at the Lincoln Park barn. Dawn and Ona Griffiths manned the booth with help from a couple others. The booth was no charge to the club. They had photos on display and provided information about the club. Dawn indicated 10 to 15 people had expressed interest in coming to future club meetings and learning more about us.
Mike Brown’s Photoshop classes have started. The next ones are set for July 6 and July 20 at the Hilltop building located at 29 Road and North Avenue (building 3). Class starts at 7:00 p.m. You will need a laptop loaded with Photoshop (not Photoshop Elements). There is instruction and hands on work.
Dawn gave a report on the upcoming First Friday event for the club. Club members can take part and display several images for sale at Hummel Real Estate (316 Main Street) on July 1 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Set up will be on June 30 from 6:30 – 8:00 and members can use the back door labeled “linen shelf” to help avoid the Farmers Market crowd. Members will need to tear down and take their artwork with them after Friday unless prior arrangements are made. There is still room so let Dawn know if you’re interested. There is no commission on any sales.
Treasurer Debbie Rudd presented the June Treasurer’s report. The ending balance from May was $1,145.89. There were no deposits and expenses of $299.28 (picnic expenses and rent for several months). The ending balance is $846.61. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
The minutes of the May 24, 2016, meeting were previously published on the club’s web site. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes and as there was no discussion or corrections, the minutes were approved as published.
New Business
Jeff announced several outings were being planned.
A “Splash” class will be held on July 14 at our regular meeting room at 7:00 p.m. Ona Griffiths, Annette Collier and Cheryl Sweers will lead the class. There will be three different techniques/stations to try out. One of them will be for water droplets, which look like a lot of fun. Bring your cameras, tripods and be open to learn something new.
We will do street photography on July 21 at Farmers Market, 7:00 p.m. Annette and Joni will lead the group. Meet at Chrome on the Range (the chrome buffalo at Wells Fargo Bank on Main Street) and the group will proceed from there. Annette said she would post a video on the club’s Facebook page with some ideas for street photography.
We will plan an outing to the Grand Mesa on August 6. Some wildflowers may still be blooming, but if not, the trek up Land’s End Road will furnish something to shoot at (chipmunks at the observatory, Raber Cow Camp, etc.) More details on meeting location and time will be furnished soon.
As detailed earlier, another print talk is scheduled for August 11.
Jeff said we are trying to come up with a fall color outing somewhere. The board will keep working on that and let us know when something is firmed up.
It will soon be time to elect new leadership for the club. Now is a great time to think about serving on the board in some capacity, either as an officer (president, vice president, treasurer or secretary) or as a chairperson.
Jeff advised we still need a volunteer to bring drinks for the August meeting. Sarah Miller graciously volunteered. Thank you, Sarah!
The scavenger hunt is coming up fast. The list of categories is posted on the club web site along with the details of how to submit. Photos will need to be turned in at the August meeting. Get out there and start shooting! Jeff also advised the board had talked about appointing a new scavenger hunt chair in August to give the chair time to put together a category list and have it in place sooner than we have in the past (normally it isn’t announced until after the new board is in place, sometime in February or even later). After some discussion, the members agreed that was a good idea to get a head start. The board will consider any volunteers so if you’re interested, let a board member know so they can make a decision.
There were no announcements.
The July competition will be run by James Payne. The theme is “Shapes and Leading Lines.” Submit one image to: contests@thundermountaincameraclub.org by July 19.
Jeff introduced our guest speaker, Bob Ingelhart. Bob spoke to us about “stock photography” shared some of his favorite and best-selling images, offered some advice, and answered questions.
Sharon Bradshaw presented the competition photos and led the discussion, including some of the judge’s remarks. There were 19 images submitted. Images placed as follows:
1. Sitting at the Pond – Paul Huntington
2. Where Did the Time Go? – Ed Kunzelman
3. Fisher Towers and La Sals – Robert Pratt
4. Reminders of the Day – Marina Schultz
Honorable Mentions:
New Shoes – Gary Phillips
Morning Fog – Julie Bellitt
Painted Lady – Ona Griffiths
Our next meeting is Tuesday, July 26, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College. Renee Walendowski will provide the snacks, and Dawn Morrow will provide the drinks.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, Jeff adjourned the meeting.
Dated: July 18, 2016
Angela K. Classen
Thunder Mountain Camera Club