FEBRUARY 23, 2016
The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.
President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. Visitors were welcomed and asked to sign the visitor list.
Old Business
The minutes of the January 26, 2016, meeting were previously published on the club’s web site. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes and as there was no discussion or corrections, the minutes were approved as published.
Dues for 2016 are due. Angela has applications tonight and money can be turned in to her since Debbie is not here. The applications are also on the club’s web site. If you plan to attend any club outings, you must sign the waiver and release form. If a member brings a guest (who is not a member) to any outing, we need to have the guest sign the waiver and release form before they can attend. They do not have to join, but must sign the waiver.
Debbie Rudd was not present but did e-mail the Treasurer’s report to the Board. Both Jeff and Angela forgot to bring it to the meeting so it was announced the report would be included in the minutes and acceptance of the report deferred to next month’s meeting. The ending balance from January was $477.74. There were deposits of $605.00 (dues) and expenses of $141.83 ($100.00 February room rent and $41.83 awards reimbursement). The ending balance is $940.91.
New Business
The Ask a Photographer event was held on February 11. Although not well attended, members who showed up had a good time visiting and talking gear, especially about tripods. Jeff won the “tripod war” as he showed up with the most tripods. Jeff would like to schedule another Ask a Photographer, probably in early fall.
Ken Redding will be our guest presenter for the March meeting. Ken specializes in commercial photography. He does not want to just “stand and lecture” so Jeff wants the members to visit Ken’s web site (www.kenreddingphotography.com) and create some questions to ask and be engaged in the presentation.
Renee Walendowski, picnic co-chair, announced she had found a nice location for the picnic up at the Monument, in the campground area. The cost to reserve the shelter house is $50 and she has already reserved it (without payment) and requested approval to pay. The Board is meeting on February 29 and will approve it at that time. Renee indicated there should be ample parking and said obviously a lot of great photo shots are nearby. The picnic is scheduled for June 11.
Dio and Alice Musquiz, the activities co-chairs, have several outings lined up already! The first is to Gateway and the Hanging Flume on March 12. The second is to the Castle Valley/Fisher Towers area in Utah. Full details of times and meeting places can be found on the club’s Facebook page and web site.
Jeff asked members if they had been going any place, doing anything fun lately, or displaying photos anywhere. Dawn Morrow and Ona Griffiths had just returned from a quick trip to Death Valley, which was primed for a “super bloom” of wildflowers. Dawn said they saw several varieties blooming and there were quite a few blooms. Someone announced that John Fielder is having a workship via a raft trip and a few spots were still open. If anyone is interested, check out John Fielder’s web site. Angela announced she had four images accepted into a juried show at Gallery at Studio j in Denver which will run the month of March. She thanked James Payne and Frame Depot for doing an awesome job on the framing of two of her pieces.
A volunteer to bring drinks for the month of April is still needed. See Angela during the break if you can do this.
We will have a regular photo competition in March and Dawn is leading the discussion. She announced it will be a themed competition. The theme is “water” and its interpretation is up to the photographer. She plans to have three judges – a lay person, an artist and a photographer. Please submit your digital image by March 15 to: contests@thundermountaincameraclub.org.
The next portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussion of the images being submitted for PSA competition. Ed Kunzelman lead the lively discussion about the 19 images that were submitted. Voting was conducted via ballot, with selected photos being ranked from 1 to 6 in order of number of votes received. The final selections were as follows:
1. Seeds for the Future – Cheryl Sweers
2. Owl Creek Clouds – Bob Pratt
3. October Bee – Ona Griffiths
4. A Storm is a Brewin’ – Julie Bellitt
(tie) 5. Society Today – Jeff Stoddart; Old Miner’s Tools – Scott Warren
Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 22, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College. Joan Robinson will provide the snacks and drinks for this meeting.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, President Jeff adjourned the meeting.
Dated: March 1, 2016
Angela K. Classen
Thunder Mountain Camera Club