November Meeting Minutes

November 22, 2016

The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.

President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. Jeff welcomed our visitors.

Old Business

The secretary (finally!) got the September and October meeting minutes finished and posted on the club web site. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes and as there was no discussion or corrections, the minutes were approved as published. (Jeff also “fired” Angela, effective at the end of the year!)

Mike Brown is having Photoshop classes on December 7 and January 4 at the Frame Depot (529 Bogart Lane – to the west of Sam’s Club). Please use the north entrance. Class starts at 7:00 p.m. You will need a laptop loaded with Photoshop (not Photoshop Elements). There is instruction and hands on work. If you do not have the textbook yet, e-mail Mike ( and he will e-mail it to you for use in the class.

Our banquet is scheduled for January 13, 2017 in our regular meeting room at WCCC from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The club will provide the meat, and members will bring the side dishes and desserts. A sign up sheet is being circulated tonight (if you are not at the meeting, contact Cheryl Sweers or Mel Morris to bring something). Please sign up and come to the banquet – lots of great eats and fun times! We’ll install our new board and hand out our annual recognitions and awards.

Treasurer Debbie Rudd presented the November Treasurer’s report. The ending balance from October was $661.61. There were no deposits and no expenses paid, making the ending balance the same – $661.61. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

Apparently there are again issues with notification e-mails being generated when a post is made to the club web site. Since this is our last meeting of the year, this issue will have to be investigated by the new incoming board.

New Business

Jeff opened up the floor for nominations for board members for 2017. As there was only one nominee presented for each position, rather than elect each position separately, the entire slate of board nominees was presented as follows:

President – Dawn Morrow
Vice President – Jeff Morse
Secretary – Renee Walendowski
Treasurer – Ona Griffiths

A motion was made and seconded to approve the slate of officers as presented. The motion was approved. Congratulations to the new board! They will officially take their positions at the banquet.

Sharon Bradshaw next presented the PSA entries. Unfortunately, there were only six this month so there really was no need to vote. We did view and comment on the images. Those selected were from Bob Peterson, Sarah Miller, Paul Huntington, Sharon Bradshaw, Ona Griffiths and Angela Classen. They will be submitted for the January PSA competition. (Since we don’t have a meeting in December, we must select them in November to meet the deadline.)

Ed Kunzelman then presented the “fall colors” slide show, which was compiled from member images created in this past fall. What an amazing collection of colorful images!

Our next regular meeting is Tuesday, January 24, 2017, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, Jeff adjourned the meeting. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See everyone at banquet!

Dated: December 7, 2016
Angela K. Classen

Thunder Mountain Camera Club

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