Sharon and Ona opened the meeting at 7 pm. 12 folks were present at the meeting.
- Introductions were completed for everyone in attendance.
- Treasure report: Balance in account $784.40
- PSA competitions were discussed. Three categories including projected image (PID) color, PID black/white, nature-wildlife. Members with signed releases can submit 3 images, one in each category. Deadline for entry submittal is midnight Nov. 1.
- The November meeting may be changed to the first week in December due to the holiday and board members will be out of town. The members will be notified. A January banquet may be held and Donna Fullerton may offer her home. Date TBD.
- Outings were discussed. Possibilities include: fall colors, connected lakes, winter on the Mesa including dog sledding
- Sharon presented information on her work flow for making cards using photoshop.
- Several members shared photographs and prints with the club for discussion.
Meeting was over at 9:00 pm. The next meeting is TBD
(Minutes prepared by Bob P.)