Author Archives: Renee Walendowski

October minutes

Oct 23, 2018

Sharon B presented PSA submissions.  (Not judged yet).

Dawn opened meeting:

There are positions open for next year, we will have elections next month.

Vera will have submit and discuss next month.  Please submit photos representing what you are thankful for. Email to Dawn.

Calendars 2019 are available at Homespun in Clifton.  They are looking for more vendors if you have stuff to sell.

Club will be displaying at Mesa County building starting March 15 until May.  Drop date not announced yet.

Ed presented our fall photo submission with slide show.  Thank you ED.

PSA second round due Nov. 1

September 25, 2018 minutes

TMCC September 25, 2018 meeting:

Club member voted on Scavenger hunt photos.


TMCC will be able to display our work at City Hall October 8 thru Jan 7th, then move work to

County Jan7th thru April 8th. Please submit your items to Dawn by tomorrow.

Donna Fullerton presented her trip to South Africa. She gave a wonderful presentation/slide

show of her trip. Thank to Donna and Steve.

Vera and Dawn gave results of the Scavenger hunt:

Funky: Renee Walendowski

Cranky: Renee

Eternal: Renee

Absurd: Sharon Bradshaw

Rapture: Dawn Morrow

Exaggeration: Renee

Chirosocuro: John Truzinski

Befuddled: Robert Pratt

Arrogant: Robert Pratt

Capricous: Dawn Morrow

Baroque: Sharon Bradshaw

Haut: Renee

Atavistic: Bob Peterson

In becomes Out: John Truzinski

Interlude: Renee Walendowski