Category Archives: Workshops

City Hall Exhibit!

Great news, We’ve been asked to display at City Hall as a club.
“Hello artists!
We are looking forward to your exhibit at City Hall on October 8 – January 7, 2019. On Monday, October 8th, please be at City Hall at 8:30am with your artwork. . I will make labels for your artwork. If something isn’t for sale write NFS but still put the value.”
The following items will need to get to Dawn by the night of the club meeting, if not sooner…
Title, Medium, Price or estimated value, dimensions and weight. your name, and if it is for sale or NFS (not-for-sale)
The above items must be to Dawn by the night of the club meeting September 25th.
Items must have a wire hanger to display and saw-tooth hangers will not be accepted.
Items must be delivered to City Hall on October 8th at 8:30, or make arrangements with Dawn Morrow in advance
The same items can be transferred to hang at the County building for a few months following as well. Please include if you’d be interested in displaying there as well.

Sand Wash Basin

Hello folks, as a board we plan to do fall color events for Sept.-Oct. both as colors hit the mountains and then again in town. I know several people have already explored Sand Wash Basin, some have not been able. My friend and former member of TMCC Cindy Buller and I have the next weekend planned to go from this coming Thursday through Monday. We will be staying in Craig overnight. Doug and I found and stayed at the “Elk Run Inn” in Craig for only $65.00 a night was a good place for a great deal. Anyone is welcome to join us we will be meeting up with several wild horse enthusiasts and advocates while touring around the area all of which are amazing photographers. Former member & friend Debbie Rudd will hopefully meet up with us, and we tentatively plan on seeing horses in the Piceance herd on Monday. Most of you may not want to be out of town this far, or this long, but we wanted to extend a welcome to club members who have been dying to see them, all are welcome. These horse’s terrain is much less obstructed than those on the Bookcliffs. Last year we saw well over 100 horses in a day. I can safely say you will see horses as over 900 are in the Basin. Please get in touch via cell, messenger or on this message if you are interested in joining us for all or part of our trip. We will regroup each morning in Maybell, I hope that if you’ve always wanted to do this that you will join us Sept. 6 through Sept. 10th. Here are some shots from our last trips.

Thursday’s product class and stack focusing vid.

Cool video on stack focusing by Dave Morrow (No relation).

  • Looking forward to meeting Mike Davenport this week. I spoke with Bob Ingelhart, local stock/product photographer who’s spoke with the club previously. He was out of town for this class Thursday night, but referred me to Mike who will be donating his time and equipment to do hands on teaching for our requested class on product photography. Similar to Mel Morris’ image of the wine and cheese in the last competition which garnered some interest, Mike specializes in this type of work in order to sell his stock photography. John Barbier, is recovering from minor surgery but will be providing us with subject matter for our project. This is a first time class for this educator, so I hope folks will attend. Hope to see you there.