October 25, 2016
The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.
President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. Jeff welcomed our visitors.
Old Business
The secretary did not get the September meeting minutes completed and suggested that Jeff fire her. Jeff would not. Angela will get the September minutes, as well as the October minutes, published on the web site in time for the November meeting.
Mike Brown is having Photoshop classes on November 2 and 16 at the Frame Depot (529 Bogart Lane – to the west of Sam’s Club). Please use the north entrance. Class starts at 7:00 p.m. You will need a laptop loaded with Photoshop (not Photoshop Elements). There is instruction and hands on work. If you do not have the textbook yet, e-mail Mike (ph7ham@gmail.com) and he will e-mail it to you for use in the class.
The scavenger hunt categories for 2017 are now available. There are printed copies of the list at the front table, or you can find them on the club web site.
Our banquet is scheduled for January 13, 2017 in our regular meeting room at WCCC from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The club will provide the meat, and members will bring the side dishes and desserts. A sign up sheet will be circulated in November.
Hummel Real Estate is hosting TMCC members for First Friday Art Walk on November 4. There is still room. Contact Dawn (dawn@2morrowsmuse.com) if you’re interested in participating. There is no commission. Set up will be the night before, and all artwork must be removed immediately after the event.
Treasurer Debbie Rudd was not present so Jeff presented the October Treasurer’s report. The ending balance from September was $791.61. There was one deposit of $15. A rent check for $100.00 and a check to PSA for our club membership for $45.00 was written, making the ending balance $661.61. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
New Business
There will be a PSA competition in November. Submit one image per member, open theme to: contests@thundermountaincameraclub.org by midnight, November 20.
Jeff reminded everyone that elections are scheduled for November. Members should start thinking about serving as either a board member or chairperson. Copies of the board and chair job descriptions are available at the front table tonight, but they are also contained on the club web site. If you are interested or have questions about a position, e-mail a current board member.
Sharon Bradshaw announced that a long time club member, David Cooper, had passed away on September 20 in California. He was killed in a tragic car accident.
Some club members plan to meet on Saturday, October 29, to shoot the kids trick or treating downtown. If you’d like to attend, meet at the chrome buffalo (Chrome on the Range) at 3:30.
Jeff would like all members to bring up to 12 of their favorite fall images from 2016 to the November meeting. Bring them on a flash drive (no CD’s) or e-mail them to Ed: ed@edwardkunzelman.com by November 20. Members can also bring a couple of prints if they prefer.
Jeff next presented the “Year in Review” slideshow with the members’ personal favorite photos from 2016. These photos were very diverse and showcased the talent and creativity our members have!
Sheila Johnson next presented our October competition, which was themed “Imagination,” including discussion of the judge’s comments. Photos placed as follows:
1. Paint Horse – Dawn Morrow
2. Exercise your Imagination – Read a Book – Ed Kunzelman
3. Ice Mask – Ona Griffiths
4. Trapped – Cheryl Sweers
5. They Moved in Herds – Jamie Zartman
Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 22, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College. Tony Harber will provide the snacks, and Jamie Zartman will provide the drinks.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, Jeff adjourned the meeting.
Dated: November 14, 2016
Angela K. Classen
Thunder Mountain Camera Club