September 27, 2016
The regular meeting of Thunder Mountain Camera Club was held on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College in Grand Junction, Colorado.
President Jeff Stoddart called the meeting to order. We had no visitors.
Old Business
The minutes of the August 23, 2016, meeting were previously published on the club’s web site. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes and as there was no discussion or corrections, the minutes were approved as published.
Jeff reminded everyone that elections are scheduled for November. Members should start thinking about serving as either a board member or chairperson. Copies of the board and chair job descriptions are available at the front table tonight, but they are also contained on the club web site. If you are interested or have questions about a position, e-mail a current board member.
Mike Brown is having Photoshop classes on October 5 and 19 at the Frame Depot (529 Bogart Lane – to the west of Sam’s Club). Please use the north entrance. Class starts at 7:00 p.m. You will need a laptop loaded with Photoshop (not Photoshop Elements). There is instruction and hands on work.
Our banquet is scheduled for January 13, 2017 in our regular meeting room at WCCC from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The club will provide the meat, and members will bring the side dishes and desserts. A sign up sheet will be circulated in November.
Several members (Donna, Ona, Dawn and Joan) will have images on display at the October First Friday Art Walk at Hummel Real Estate. Hummel will host a display for TMCC members on November 4. Contact Dawn (dawn@2morrowsmuse.com) if you’re interested in participating. There is no commission. Set up will be the night before, and all artwork must be removed immediately after the event.
Treasurer Debbie Rudd presented the September Treasurer’s report. The ending balance from August was $891.61. There were no deposits. A rent check for $100.00 was written, making the ending balance $791.61. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
New Business
Ona Griffiths, the new scavenger hunt chair, presented the scavenger hunt categories for 2017:
1. Face-less self portrait
2. Scene (seen) from a window
3. Street lights
4. Angelic
5. Smoke
6. Minimal
7. Wood
8. Two of a kind
9. Sign(s)
10. Handwriting
11. Art
12. A pop of color
Now you have no excuse not to get started on shooting photos for scavenger hunt!
Jeff asked that all members send in up to 5 of their personal favorite photos taken in 2016 so far to put together a “Year in Review” slide show for October. E-mail your photos to Jeff, any size, at: jeff@jeffstoddart.com, by midnight on October 22. Also please indicate your order of preference in case the number of submissions has to be cut down due to time limitations.
There was discussion about doing some type of Halloween outing. There might be a zombie prom on October 22 someplace downtown.
Annette Collier next made her “Seinfeld presentation” about “absolutely nothing.” She threw out a few photographic topics and some questions and answers were discussed.
The October competition will be our last for the year and is themed “Imagination.” Submit your photos to: contests@thundermountaincameraclub.com by October 16.
The 2016 scavenger hunt chair, Sheila Johnson, presented the scavenger hunt winners as voted by the club members and awarded the prizes (which Jesie Bair helped obtain):
1. Day in the Life – Bob Peterson – Quick strap
2. Au Natural – Bob Pratt – Dust patrol sensor cleaner
3. Opposites – Bob Pratt – Headlamp
4. Memories – Dawn Morrow – Journal book with camera pattern
5. Broken glass – Bob Pratt – Reflector
6. Abandoned – Paul Huntington – Flash drive
7. Horizon – Bob Pratt – Bubble level
8. Mayberry – Debbie Rudd – Photo frame
9. Creative Angles – Paul Huntington – Cell phone macro lens
10. Bad habits – Dawn Morrow – Lens mug
11. Film noir – Bob Pratt – Coffee mug
12. The elements – Cheryls Sweers – Camera rain gear
Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you, Sheila and Jesie, for doing an awesome job with this event!
Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 25, 2016, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Western Colorado Community College. Dio and Alice Musquiz will provide the snacks, and Scott Warren will provide the drinks.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, Jeff adjourned the meeting.
Dated: November 14, 2016
Angela K. Classen
Thunder Mountain Camera Club