Proposed Revised Bylaws – for review and comment

Please take a moment to look over the redline revisions of the club Bylaws.  Key revisions include:

1. increase annual dues   2. add committees  3.  formalize affiliations with PSA and non-profit status

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One response on “Proposed Revised Bylaws – for review and comment

  1. Joan Robinson

    Hello fellow TMCC club members,

    I have read over the proposed revised by laws and given them some thought. First of all I would like to thank the committee for their time and thought they put forward for our club. I know everyone wants to have a great club.

    I am in agreement of all of the proposed changes to the bylaws except for the increase in membership dues. I think that the current amount of $20 is the ‘going rate’ for club membership in the area. I am in three other clubs with membership dues of $20 for each of them. I think that if the dues are raised to $40 we will lose membership instead of gain membership.
    Thank you,
    Joan Robinson

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