TMCC Website Logs for February

I turned on traffic logging on 1/24. Here is a summary of the first 34 days of logs.

Traffic from users logged in was not counted, but I turned this on for the next month. The traffic logging system tries to filter out search engines indexing the website, but I think some, maybe most, of the traffic from the logs is from search engine bots. I set a request for bots not to update the website index to see how that affects traffic logs.

There was a total of 160 visitors, an average of 4.6 per day.

There was a total of 467 page views, an average of 2.9 per visit.

2/3 of the visitors were flagged as linked from a search engine, but none of those references logged the search term used. This is why I think this traffic is the search engines updating their databases and not users searching for camera clubs.

I’ll add more info in a comment to this post. A lot of the extra info isn’t terribly useful.

4 Week Graph of Daily Traffic

One response on “TMCC Website Logs for February

  1. Jeremy Morkus Post author

    Extra information from the traffic logs:

    Referring website
    8 Bing
    4 Baidu
    5 Facebook
    2 WordPress Android App

    Search Terms
    None logged

    Views by Posts or Pages
    193 Home
    59 Home page / Archives
    39 Calendar of Events
    36 About TMCC
    24 Board of Directors & Chairs 2022
    19 Competitions, Guidelines and Challenges
    13 Scavenger Hunt
    13 Rim Rock Rodeo
    12 Meeting minutes Jan 24, 2023
    11 critique of photos – thanks Dieter
    11 Monthly club meeting
    7 3 things to consider today 😉
    5 Photo of the year National Geographic 2023
    5 Membership Application Form & Waiver
    3 Feb 2023 meeting reminder
    3 Statement on Subject Matter, PSA competitions
    3 2023 PSA Selections
    1 Outing – Mystery & History Tour with Dave Fishell (local historian)
    1 David Crosby Photo history
    1 2022 PSA entries
    1 May Meeting Cancelation
    1 Colorado National Monument – Devil’s Kitchen Picnic Area
    1 B & W Awards
    1 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022 Finalists
    1 Western Colorado Community College
    1 Job Descriptions for Officers and Committee Chairpersons

    Views by Countries
    429 United States
    15 United Kingdom
    6 Singapore
    5 India
    5 Canada
    5 China
    1 Australia
    1 Nigeria

    Clicks (Leaving TMCC for another site)
    2 This striking image won our pictures of the year photo contest
    1 David Crosby – a life in pictures
    1 Add event to Google calendar
    1 Add event to Outlook

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