We’ll start the meeting by reviewing club member pictures. The photo challenge theme for this month was “metallic.” So bring your pictures of that, or whatever else you’d like to share with the club, on a USB flash drive. For the second half of the meeting, we’ll have a general discussion focusing on “the best advice” you’ve ever received pertaining to your photography. It could be a technical tip for improving your pictures, or possibly some advice regarding your thoughts and approach to photography. And if you’ve never read or been given any advice, you might have some wisdom you’d impart to those beginning their path in photography.
One of my favorite words of advice is from Edward Weston: “If I have any ‘message’ worth giving to a beginner, it is that there are no short cuts in photography.” Of course, Weston did not live to see the myriad of photo apps available to today’s digital photographers… but does it really make a difference? Hmmm…. I guess we’ll talk about it Tuesday night. Hope to see you there.